What To Do if You Are Falsely Accused of Committing a Crime in Indianapolis?

One of the worst things that could happen in life would be being falsely accused of committing a crime. Unfortunately, testimony evidence, alone, can be enough for the State to bring criminal charges. In Indiana, testimony evidence alone, if believed by the Judge or Jury, can result in a criminal conviction. False accusations could result in misdemeanor or felony charges or convictions. If you are falsely accused of committing a crime in Indianapolis, you may be feeling scared, angry, or even helpless. After all, there is no guarantee that the charges against you will be dropped or that you will be found not guilty at a trial. The Innocence Project estimates that one percent of the people in U.S. prisons are falsely convicted. One percent may seem like a small number, but according to the Innocence Project, that is about 20,000 people.
Fortunately, if you are facing false criminal accusations, there are steps you can take to fight the charges. Below, we discuss some of the reasons for false accusations and what to do if you are falsely accused of committing a crime in Indianapolis.
Reasons for False Accusations
The following are some of the most common reasons for false accusations:
- A case of mistaken identity
- Memory issues (on the part of the accuser)
- Being set up by the actual culprit
- Maliciousness on the part of the accuser
- Law enforcement or other legal misconduct
- Misleading forensic evidence, such as DNA or finger prints
What To Do if You Are Falsely Accused of Committing a Crime in Indianapolis
If you are facing false criminal accusations, the following are some steps to protect yourself and build a strong case.
Stay Calm
It can be hard to be calm when facing false criminal accusations, but remaining calm is best. Panicking and letting your emotions get the best of you can work against you.
Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney
Do not assume you don’t need an attorney because you are facing false accusations. You don’t want to take any risks with your freedom and future. A qualified criminal defense attorney can help you build a strong defense strategy. They can help you avoid a conviction.
Exercise Your Right To remain Silent
As someone facing criminal accusations, you have the right to remain silent. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to exercise your right to remain silent. You want to avoid something that can be used against you. If you talk to officials, you may say something incriminating, or law enforcement officers may misunderstand your statements and use them against you.
Collect Evidence
After hiring an attorney, work with them to gather any evidence that can help prove your innocence. If, for example, yours is a case of mistaken identity, work with your lawyer to gather evidence that can help prove an alibi, that is to show that you were not at the crime scene when the crime happened.
Do Not Contacting Your Accuser
Finally, refrain from interacting with the person making accusations against you. You do not want to be accused of intimidating or harassing the accuser. That will only make the situation worse.
Contact an Indianapolis Criminal Defense Lawyer
Our qualified Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers at Rigney Law LLC can help you if you are facing false criminal accusations. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.