What Do You Need To Know About A Lifetime License Suspension?

A lifetime license suspension makes life far more difficult than it needs to be. Going about day-to-day tasks, such as grocery shopping and getting to work, requires far more time and energy than it normally would.
Luckily, in Indiana, they no longer issue lifetime license suspensions. But, if a lifetime suspension has already been received, there are ways of terminating the suspension and being able to operate an automobile once more.
Relief From a Lifetime Driver’s License Suspension
A lifetime license suspension was once, as the name suggests, a permanent suspension of one’s driver’s license. But, in 2014, Indiana’s state law changed, and the maximum suspension was limited to ten (10) years. For those who had already received a lifetime license suspension, after an initial term of ten years, the court now has the ability to terminate the lifetime license suspension.
Terminating A Lifetime License Suspension
A lifetime license suspension can be terminated if the following conditions are met:
- The suspension was issued at least ten years ago
- The offense leading to the suspension did not involve a person’s death or leaving the scene of an accident that resulted in injury or death
Assuming those conditions are met, then an individual can petition the court to have their lifetime license suspension terminated. If the petition is successful, the individual will receive the driving privileges they held prior to the suspension.
Some individuals can petition the court after just three years. For this to occur, the following conditions must be met:
- The suspension was a result of infractions or driving with a suspended license
- The individual does not have a reckless driving, criminal recklessness, DUI, resisting law enforcement, or drag racing conviction on their record
Individuals who meet the conditions above can petition the court no earlier than three years after receiving their lifetime license suspension.
Speak With A Skilled Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney
Terminating your lifetime license suspension requires putting together a persuasive petition and demonstrating your fitness to drive.
Speak with a skilled Indianapolis criminal defense attorney today. We will go over the legal options currently available to you and assist you in developing an effective petition.