Specialized Driving Privileges

A suspended license makes life far more difficult than it needs to be. A particularly long license suspension can change the trajectory of one’s life.
Fortunately, though, there is a potential solution: specialized driving privileges. Even those with an especially long license suspension can be eligible for specialized driving privileges.
What Are Specialized Driving Privileges?
Specialized driving privileges are driving privileges that allow those with suspended licenses to drive. Many of those who receive specialized driving privileges can only drive during a set period within the day and only for specific purposes. Some of the most common purposes include:
- Going To Work
- Attending school
- Handling childcare responsibilities
Outside of the hours and purposes granted in the specialized driving privileges, a driver cannot operate their vehicle. If the suspension is related to substance offenses, the may require the driver to use an ignition interlock device.
Who Is Eligible For Specialized Driving Privileges?
Specialized driving privileges are only available to individuals who fulfill certain criteria. To receive specialized driving privileges, the driver applying for them must:
- Be an Indiana resident
- Provide proof of proper insurance
- Have paid all outstanding fines
- Have not violated the terms of a previous specialized driving privileges order
- Did not receive their license suspension due to an infraction with a school bus
- Did not receive their license suspension due to causing a death
Assuming an individual meets the criteria outlined above, they are eligible for specialized driving privileges. But this doesn’t mean they will receive them. A driver must, first and foremost, follow the proper procedures.
Within the state of Indiana, the duration of specialized driving privileges is determined by the court. This means they can last for as long, or as little, as the court desires. Specialized driving privileges are often reviewed by the court, after a period of time.
How Can You Obtain Specialized Driving Privileges?
To obtain specialized driving privileges, an individual must, first and foremost, meet the criteria outlined above. Assuming they do, they must then provide the following documentation:
- Official driving record
- Verification of car insurance
- A Verified Petition outlining their eligibility and the reasons why the driver needs specialized driving privileges
A driver who receives specialized driving privileges must then:
- Maintain proof of future financial responsibility insurance
- Carry a copy of the order granting specialized driving privileges order while driving
- Produce a copy of the order granting specialized driving privileges when asked to by an officer
- Carry a valid state ID or driver’s license while driving
Gathering the documentation is easy. But, making a case as to why specialized driving privileges are needed can be tricky. Failing to make a proper case can lead to the request being denied.
Speak With A Skilled Indianapolis Traffic Violation Lawyer
Specialized driving privileges can, and will, make it easier for you to get to work, school, and care for your family.
Speak with a skilled Indianapolis traffic violation lawyer today. We will clarify the legal possibilities available to you and assist you in obtaining specialized driving privileges.