Category Archives: Expungement

When Can Serious Felony Convictions Be Expunged?
Under Indiana law, it may be possible to have a record of a criminal conviction expunged. It is important to know that Indiana does not use the term “expungement” to mean the destruction or eradication of any trace of a criminal record (as some states do), but rather uses the term to refer to… Read More »

What You Should Know About Expunging Arrest Records
Criminal conviction records can have substantial effects on a person’s future, but even an arrest record — without a conviction — can be damaging. Indeed, even if you were never convicted of a criminal offense in Indiana, you may still need to report an arrest record when applying for certain jobs or licenses or… Read More »

Additional Types of Expungements in Indiana
Recognizing that criminal records can continue to impact a person’s life after they have completed the terms of their sentence, Indiana law allows people who have been convicted of misdemeanor and even felony offenses to seek expungements of their records. Under Indiana law, an expungement is not a term that refers to complete destruction… Read More »

Is There a Difference Between Record Sealing and Expungement?
If you have any type of criminal record and you do not want others — from general members of the public to potential employers or landlords — to be able to see what is contained in your criminal record, you may have started looking into record sealing and expungement. Under IC 35-38-9, all statutory… Read More »

Understanding Indiana’s Second Chance Law for Criminal Matters
Anyone who has been arrested for a criminal offense (even if they were not convicted) or charged with and convicted of a criminal offense knows how consequential these records can be. Even for misdemeanor offenses, and certainly for felony offenses, criminal records can follow a person and have a significant impact on their lives… Read More »

How Can I Seek an Expungement?
As anyone with a criminal arrest or conviction in the Indianapolis area knows, having a criminal record can have consequences that extend far beyond the initial arrest or conviction. Depending on the type of criminal offense for which you were convicted, your conviction can affect your ability to apply for and be hired for… Read More »

What Are The Benefits Of Expunging Criminal Records?
An expungement occurs when an arrest, dismissed charge, or conviction is sealed from public disclosure. In Indiana, both misdemeanors and felonies, with a few exceptions, can be expunged. One limitation, for example, is if you were convicted of a misdemeanor or felony sex or violent offense. A criminal record expungement can benefit you in… Read More »

Is The County Prosecutor Required To Consent To Expungement Of Your Criminal Record?
Since 2013, Indiana law has made it possible for people convicted of certain crimes to expunge their records. Expungement is not automatic. In the case of felony convictions, a person must wait either 8 or 10 years before filing a petition with the court requesting an expungement. During that waiting period, the petitioner must… Read More »

When Is Expungement Possible?
Everyone makes mistakes. But, when these mistakes are illegal, the record of them occurring can end up on a criminal record and affect that individual’s life. Fortunately, though, many who live in Indiana and possess a criminal record are eligible for something called “expungement.” Expungements in Indian will either seal the record from public… Read More »

Expungement In Indiana
According to a recent report, as many as 100 million Americans have criminal convictions on their records. These individuals face significantly more hurdles in life. Nearly every job application in the United States will ask prospective employees about their criminal record. Some people with criminal convictions are also prohibited from carrying a firearm, which… Read More »