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Category Archives: Criminal Defense


When is a Warrantless Search Allowed?

By Rigney Law LLC |

Were you searched by the police when they did not have a warrant? If so, you may be wondering if you were subjected to an unlawful warrantless search. The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution provides protections against unreasonable search and seizure, and it states that “no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,… Read More »

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What 4th Amendment Rights Do Minors Have?

By Rigney Law LLC |

If a minor under the age of 18 is stopped in traffic, do they have the same rights as an adult in terms of Fourth Amendment protections? Or, can the bedrooms or school lockers of minors be searched lawfully in a manner that would constitute a violation of the Fourth Amendment if the person… Read More »

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Is There More Than One Type of Probation?

By Rigney Law LLC |

When a person is convicted of a criminal offense in Indiana, they will then be sentenced. Depending on various factors, including the specific details of the crime and the defendant’s history, a court may impose a type of sentence of probation that allows the defendant to avoid incarceration. In some cases, a defendant will… Read More »

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What is an Annual Review of Committed Offenders?

By Rigney Law LLC |

In Indiana, when a person is convicted of a criminal offense and is sentenced to a term of incarceration, there are statutory requirements for review to which the Department of Corrections must adhere. In other words, the defendant must undergo an evaluation annually for purposes of determining the appropriate degree of security, the facility… Read More »

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What Are Conditions of Probation?

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you are convicted of a criminal offense in Indiana part of your sentence may include probation. Probation is a particular type of sentence that involves oversight of a convicted person and comes with specific conditions and restrictions. Indeed, anyone on probation must adhere to certain conditions, which can include requirements for meeting with… Read More »

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Sex Crimes and Conditions of Probation

By Rigney Law LLC |

When a person is convicted of a criminal offense in Indiana and part of their sentence includes probation, there will be specific conditions of probation imposed by the court, as well as certain statutory conditions of probation under the Indiana Code, depending on the type of offense and other factors specific to the person… Read More »

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What is a Sexually Violent Predator Classification?

By Rigney Law LLC |

Anyone in Indiana who is currently facing charges for a sex offense, including for any sex crime with a juvenile victim, should be working with a lawyer to understand the possible implications of a conviction and the best options for a defense. Individuals who are convicted of sex offenses, especially those involving juvenile victims,… Read More »

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What is a Factual Basis for a Guilty Plea?

By Rigney Law LLC |

Were you recently arrested for a criminal offense in Indiana? If you are facing serious charges, especially felony charges, or if you have a prior history of a criminal conviction, you could be facing significant penalties under Indiana law if you are convicted. Accordingly, you may be wondering if it would make sense for… Read More »

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Understanding the Offense of Child Solicitation

By Rigney Law LLC |

Sex offenses in Indiana involving juvenile victims are taken extremely seriously, and if you are facing charges, it is critical to develop the strongest possible defense in your case. In order to build a defense to the offense of child solicitation, it is important to understand how Indiana law specifically defines this offense and… Read More »

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Understanding the Offense of Child Molesting

By Rigney Law LLC |

The Indiana Code includes a wide range of sex offenses that involve juvenile victims. These offenses fall under Chapter 4 of the Indiana Code, which focuses on sex crimes. The offenses involving juveniles within this chapter range from child molesting to inappropriate communication with a child, with various offenses in between. The specific offense… Read More »

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