Can a DUI Affect My Professional License?

In Indiana, you can obtain a DUI or an OWI (Operating While Intoxicated) if you are found to be operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more. Being convicted of a DUI in Indiana can result in harsh consequences. A DUI conviction can result in driver’s license suspension, jail time, fines, probation, and other criminal penalties. Apart from resulting in criminal penalties, a DUI conviction can impact other areas of your life. One area many people are usually concerned about is their career. You may be wondering if a DUI conviction can affect your professional license.
Many professionals, such as doctors, nurses, teachers, law enforcement agents, attorneys, and real estate agents, must obtain a license to do their jobs. After receiving your license, there are certain requirements you must meet to keep your credentials. Failure to meet these requirements could result in several consequences. After a DUI conviction, you may be required to report the conviction to the licensing board. After you have disclosed your conviction, what happens next depends on the licensing board. A DUI can affect your professional license in several ways. Read on to learn more.
Why Would a DUI Matter to a Licensing Board?
Most licensing boards are allowed to investigate and discipline individuals for receiving a DUI conviction or another drug-related conviction. The following are some of the main reasons why a DUI would matter to a licensing board;
- Professional competence: A DUI conviction might be viewed as an indicator of substance abuse issues that could impact an individual’s judgment and ability to perform their job effectively. In other words, a DUI conviction casts doubt on your state of mind and competence as a professional.
- Public trust and safety issues: When you receive a professional license, the licensing board vouches for you as someone the public can trust. The licensing board entrusts you with the safety and well-being of the public. A DUI conviction could be seen as a sign of irresponsibility. A DUI conviction could result in public safety or trust issues.
How Can a DUI Impact Your Professional License?
After a DUI conviction, it is possible that you could lose your professional license. However, it is not guaranteed that you will lose your license. Whether or not you lose your professional license may depend on various factors, including the following;
- The nature of the crime
- Licensing board regulations
- The licensing boards’ discretion
- Type of profession
Apart from losing your license, other consequences that you may suffer include the following;
- License suspension
- License restriction
- Probation
- Fines and fees
- Mandatory treatment
Professionals That Are Most Likely to Be Penalized for DUI
Any professional can be penalized for DUI. In fact, it is best to assume that a DUI conviction will put you at risk of disciplinary action, regardless of your profession. However, professionals whose work entails public safety, law, healthcare, education, or a high level of trust and responsibility are at a greater risk of being penalized for DUI. The following are some of the professionals that are most likely to be penalized over DUI;
- Health care professionals, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.
- Law enforcement officers
- Legal professionals
- Teachers
- Government officials
- Transportation workers such as pilots and truck drivers
Contact an Indianapolis DUI & OWI Lawyer
Have you been arrested for DUI? Contact our qualified Indianapolis DUI & OWI lawyer at Rigney Law LLC for legal help.