Author Archives: Jay Butchko
What to Expect: OWI/DUI Charges
If you are pulled over on suspicion of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) in or around Indianapolis, or if you are arrested for an OWI after going through a sobriety checkpoint, it is essential to know what you should expect and what steps you will need to take in order to fight the… Read More »
What is “Possession with Intent” in Indiana?
There are different levels of drug crimes in Indiana, and the type of criminal charges you can face for possession of a controlled substance can depend on the amount of the controlled substance that was in your possession. Regardless of whether you have ever faced drug charges previously or known someone who has, you… Read More »
How Can I Seek an Expungement?
As anyone with a criminal arrest or conviction in the Indianapolis area knows, having a criminal record can have consequences that extend far beyond the initial arrest or conviction. Depending on the type of criminal offense for which you were convicted, your conviction can affect your ability to apply for and be hired for… Read More »
What Are Specialized Driving Privileges in Indiana?
Under Indiana law, a suspension of driving privileges can occur for a wide range of reasons, including refusal to submit to a chemical test, a criminal conviction, or the accumulation of excess points. Yet in most cases, “specialized driving privileges” are an available option to get back on the road lawfully. What do you… Read More »
What to Know About Fighting Civil Forfeiture in Indiana
Did you know that if you are arrested or charged with certain criminal offenses in Indiana, a law enforcement officer could seize your property? This type of action, known as “civil forfeiture.” This is a serious issue in Indiana, and many residents have found themselves in the incredibly difficult position of having their property… Read More »
How Can I Become Eligible for Jail Release?
When you are facing criminal charges or serving a criminal sentence that includes time in a jail, you might hear about the possibility of something known as “jail release.” There are different periods during the criminal justice process where jail release is possible, and options for jail release will depend on the specific facts… Read More »
Fourth Amendment Violations in Indiana Drug Cases
Being charged with a drug crime in Indiana is a serious thing. An Indiana drug crime conviction can have severe consequences. Possible consequences of a drug crime conviction in Indiana include imprisonment, fines, probation, and loss of professional licenses. Being convicted of a drug crime can also result in a criminal record that can… Read More »
What Happens if the Alleged Domestic Violence Victim Does Not Show Up at Trial?
Being charged with domestic violence in Indiana is a serious thing. Indiana takes the crime of domestic violence very seriously and imposes harsh consequences on anyone convicted of this offense. If you are convicted of domestic violence in Indiana, you could face several penalties, including incarceration, probation, and fines. One of the parties that… Read More »
6 Elements That Can Increase the Severity of a Drug Possession Charge in Indiana
Indiana takes the offense of drug possession very seriously. A drug possession conviction can have serious consequences that can impact a person’s life significantly. Being convicted of drug possession in Indiana can lead to, among other things, incarceration and fines. The exact consequences you face for a drug possession conviction in Indiana depend on… Read More »
The Consequences of Evading the Police in Indiana
When you learn that you are facing an arrest, it is normal to feel scared. There are only a handful of things that are scarier than getting arrested. If you are facing an arrest in Indiana, you may be tempted to evade the police by fleeing or resisting. However, fleeing and resisting the police… Read More »