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How To Choose the Right Criminal Defense Attorney in Indianapolis


One of the most crucial things you should do after being charged with a crime in Indianapolis is to retain a criminal defense attorney. While you have the right to handle your criminal case without an attorney, it is best to avoid doing so. After all, Indiana and the nation’s Constitutions give you the right to legal counsel. A criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference when it comes to the outcome of your case.

So, how do you choose the right criminal defense attorney? In this article, we discuss some of the things you should look for to ensure you hire the right criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis.

Look for Relevant Experience

Criminal law is complex. Apart from that, it is constantly evolving. For these reasons, you need to ensure you hire an attorney who has not only studied criminal law but who also has experience handling criminal cases. You should hire a lawyer with experience handling cases similar to yours. If, for example, you are facing DUI/OWI charges, it is vital that you hire an attorney with experience handling such cases.

Look for Responsiveness

Responsiveness in a criminal defense lawyer is as important as experience and a history of success. You want to ensure you hire an attorney who will return your phone calls and respond to your emails or text messages within a reasonable time. You want to ensure you hire a lawyer who will explain the complex criminal law and process to you, so you can make the best decisions possible on your case.

Look for Trial Experience

The right criminal defense lawyer is one with experience trying cases in court. You should hire an attorney who can present compelling arguments in court and connect with the jury.

Look for Negotiation Skills

Finally, when hiring an attorney, look for negotiation skills. Going to trial is usually the last resort, so you need a lawyer who can effectively negotiate with the prosecutor and effectively argue to the court. For example, you need an attorney who can negotiate a fair plea deal if a plea deal is the best option in your case.

Contact an Indianapolis Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you are facing criminal charges and are looking for a criminal defense attorney, contact our experienced Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers at Rigney Law LLC to schedule a consultation.

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