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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Should I Consider a Plea Agreement?

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you are facing any type of criminal charges in the Indianapolis area and have begun researching defense options or ways of reducing the possible penalties you could face, you may be wondering if you should consider something known as a “plea agreement,” which is also sometimes known more colloquially as a “plea bargain.”… Read More »

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Understanding Different Assault-Related Charges in Indiana

By Rigney Law LLC |

The term “assault” is often used relatively broadly to refer to a general type of violent criminal offense in which a person’s physical harm is threatened, or in which a person experiences actual bodily injury. It is important to understand that Indiana law does not have a specific criminal offense for an “assault,” but… Read More »

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Search Warrant Affidavit Exceptions: Were My Rights Violated?

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you were recently arrested after a search that resulted in the discovery of a controlled substance, an unlawful firearm, or any other object or evidence that resulted in your arrest, one of the first things you might be wondering is this: was the search lawful? This is a critical question to ask because,… Read More »

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What Are My Rights During a Traffic Stop?

By Rigney Law LLC |

When you are stopped by any law enforcement officer in the Indianapolis area or elsewhere in Indiana, it is essential to know that you have rights. These rights apply whether you are the driver of a vehicle that has been stopped, or a passenger in the vehicle. These rights exist under Indiana state law,… Read More »

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Three Things to Know About Hearsay and Your Defense

By Rigney Law LLC |

When a person is arrested and charged with a criminal offense in Indiana, the issue of “hearsay” might come into the case. Under Rule 801 of the Indiana Rules of Evidence, hearsay is defined as a “statement that” either “is not made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing” or “is… Read More »

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Traffic Stops: Were My Rights Violated?

By Rigney Law LLC |

Law enforcement officers in Indiana must adhere to a number of laws when they conduct a traffic stop. To be clear, if a police car pulls up behind you with its lights or sirens on, signaling that you should pull over, you do not instantly give up your rights. In fact, you have a… Read More »

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What to Expect After a Parole Violation

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you are preparing for a hearing in connection with a parole violation in Indianapolis, what should you expect? It will be extremely important to understand what will happen when you go before the Indiana Parole Board and the possible consequences you could be facing depending on the Board’s decision. A parole violation can… Read More »

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What Are the Differences Between Parole and Probation?

By Rigney Law LLC |

If you have been convicted of a criminal offense in Indiana, you will be sentenced based on the offense and the specific details of the case. Whether your sentence includes probation, or a prison sentence with the possibility of parole, it may not always be clear how parole and probation differ from one another…. Read More »

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